Help us raise $7500 to complete the Native Roots Nursery

Native seedlings are the Roots to Resiliency

Help us raise $7500 to complete the Native Roots Nursery image


raised towards $7,500 goal



Days Left

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Native seedlings are the Roots to Resiliency

Louisiana doesn't have a history of making pro-active land use decisions and now we find our coastline literally washing away. We have already lost 80% of our forested wetlands to development. The majority of wetland forest loss has been in the Lower Mississippi River Valley.

Adding insult to injury, in 2005 Hurricane Katrina removed 84 years of tree growth in 1 day leaving openings for the invasion of non-native vegetation.

Woodlands Conservancy was formed as a nonprofit land trust organization to preserve and restore forested wetlands. The 840 acres of forested wetlands that we manage absorb 32 million gallons of water per year thereby offsetting 15 million dollars in infrastructure drainage. We have planted over 14,000 seedlings and understory plants to help restore the forests we manage.

We have been working with fourth grade students in Orleans and Plaquemines Parish to raise native seedlings to plant in restoration areas. The nursery will allow the seedlings to get adequate irrigation to increase the volume and viability of our seedlings. Thank you for consideration of supporting the Native Roots Nursery,.