Donate now to help preserve forested wetlands. image

Donate now to help preserve forested wetlands.

Your donation helps restore dwindling habitat for migratory birds and wildlife

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The wetlands that protect southeast Louisiana, including New Orleans, are disappearing at an alarming rate. Continued wetland loss, in combination with relative sea level rise and increased hurricane activity, means the future of southeast Louisiana's diverse community of abundant natural and cultural resources is in peril.

Woodlands Conservancy was organized as a nonprofit, land trust organization in 2001 to preserve and restore remaining critical bottomland forest habitat for wildlife and migratory birds by purchasing or otherwise protecting property.

The 840 acres of forested wetlands managed by Woodlands Conservancy provide habitat for at least 163 documented species of resident and migratory birds. Of those documented species, 9 are considered Species of Continental Importance per Partners in Flight and 18 are considered Species of Conservation Concern per Louisiana's comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy – Wildlife Action Plan.